January 2011

January 2011
photo: Joan Baril

Sunflowers, Russian Giant

Sunflowers, Russian Giant
Tallest about 12 foot high.

Monday 21 April 2008


I went to Creek Side Nursery to get more Pro-Mix and buy more Damp Off. Damp Off is a liquid that is used to prevent damping off, a nasty disease that slaughters emerging seedlings. It causes tiny plants to lie down on the soil and die which, at the same time, breaks the gardener’s heart. This disease (which is in the air, everywhere) is easily prevented with a drop or two of Damp Off in the watering can or in the water that you use to mix up the Pro-Mix. The small bottle costs $6.99 but lasts a long time. A necessary expense.

I also bought my Acidanthera bulbs. These come in a packet at $6.99 for 25 bulbs, a steal. I plant them in small pots now to get them started inside and later plant them out near the patio either in containers or in clumps at the edges. These bulbs create long strappy leaves and a tall stalk (about 16 inches) that ends in a lovely cluster of large white flowers with purple centres. The joy of acidanthera is the scent, a sort of tropical breezy fragrance that is strongest in the evening. To me it is the scent of August evenings sitting on the patio with friends. This plant looks good in the centre of a large container and certainly looks 100% better that the boring Dracena one sees in nursery arrangements. Acidanthera is sometimes called Murillae but I find both names impossible to pronounce.

Begonias. Creekside had no begonia bulbs but they did have small bushy begonia plants and Dennis Treveisanutto talked me into buying some (eleven actually). I bought begonia bulbs later at Vanderwees. Their bulbs are sprouting already and so they are on sale for $1.99 each. I buy hot colours for my front garden – yellow, red, orange and of course white because in every colour combo there has to be some white to pick up the rest. Last year I found begonias grew well in my very dry front garden as well as in window boxes and big pots.

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