January 2011

January 2011
photo: Joan Baril

Sunflowers, Russian Giant

Sunflowers, Russian Giant
Tallest about 12 foot high.

Monday 3 March 2008


My rosemary has died, just dried up and flaked away. Rosemary is a small bushy Mediterranean perennial. The deceased was about four years old. It lived in a six-inch ceramic pot in my sunny back porch and grew very slowly. It was a water hog, begging for water almost every day. In the summer, I grow parsley, cilantro and basil outside. These, along with rosemary, are the herbs I use most in cooking. But the rosemary never left the porch, gave no trouble, never grew leggy or set seeds but seemed to thrive. Until today. When I went out to the porch in the morning – there it was – gone!

But wait! If I cut the dried stalks down, it may put out new growth. I will soak it until it cries uncle. Stay tuned…

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