January 2011

January 2011
photo: Joan Baril

Sunflowers, Russian Giant

Sunflowers, Russian Giant
Tallest about 12 foot high.

Sunday 30 March 2008


Plants in various stages (or no discernible stage at all) are all over the house. I have three florescent shop lights set up on tables in the basement holding flats, pots and cell packs with tiny plants – impatiens (two flats), geranium (three cell packs), basil ( a flat of cell packs), lobelia (one flat) and nicotania (one six inch pot – still too tiny to put in cells), godetica(one flat of teeny plants).

Also down the basement is a planted flat of cilantro seeds and two of cosmos all under plastic domes. Two six inch pots hold schizanthus seeds, the divas of the seed world and hell to germinate. The pots are inside ziplocks. The ziplocks are inside a green plastic garbage bag. This plant germinates in the dark, if it deighns to do so.

In the warm back porch sits a lone zip lock containing a six inch pot containing a few wave petunia seed. On a low shelf, a six inch pot hides under a draped tea towel, an attempt to germinate parsley seeds. The temperature there is 24 C.

Inside the house, at 20 degrees C, are two zip locks containing hibiscus and rosemary seeds – so far no action there. In the kitchen is a flat with a plastic dome containing dianthus seeds.
I keep running around the house with my thermometer to check if the temperature is within the required range.

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