January 2011

January 2011
photo: Joan Baril

Sunflowers, Russian Giant

Sunflowers, Russian Giant
Tallest about 12 foot high.

Sunday, 18 May 2008

Snow, Rain, Wind and all the Jazz

You have to be tough to be a perennial in Thunder Bay. Especially this spring. Yet, in spite of freezing nights and icy winds, slowly they grow. Even some of the annuals manage. I planted a flat of cosmos yesterday and it braved the snow this morning without a qualm. I've planted the sweet pea seeds and all the bulbs, but hope for warmth. Please, weather gods, give us gardeners a break!

There is a moral here for us Northerners. Never plant anything unless it is hardy for our climatic zone which is 3 (or lower). If you take a chance on a zone 4 plant, put it in your warmest, most sheltered spot. My Daphne is a zone 4 -er and it is struggling. A few years ago I was heart broken to see my neighbours come home from a local plant-selling place with three trees labelled for zone 6. Of course the poor things died and I blame the seller, a chain store, for bringing in unsuitable plants. Our local nurseries are, for the most part, very responsible and sell only what will grow here. So read that label or ask a clerk. If the clerk does not know, ask the owner of the business. Or buy from Manitoba mail order houses like Boughen, Morden etc. where they grow their own stock.

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