January 2011

January 2011
photo: Joan Baril

Sunflowers, Russian Giant

Sunflowers, Russian Giant
Tallest about 12 foot high.

Friday 2 May 2008


To make this excellent fertilizer, you need a big plastic garbage pail with a good fitting lid. This is the most important feature. Put the pail in a shady inconspicuous spot. Put in one gallon of fresh or old chicken manure. Fill the pail with water. Let sit. When you open the lid, hold your breath. Pour the liquid around the base of your plants. It is better to work at night when everyone is inside and not when the neighbours are having their yearly garden party. Fill up the trash can with more water and carry on. You don’t have to add more manure. One bucket of chicken manure does the entire summer. This is the cheapest, the smelliest and best fertilizer going. Do not fertilize perennials after August 1 but planting boxes and annuals can be fertilized until September. The smell dissipates quickly, thank heavens.

1 comment:

Terri said...

Manure tea is a great natural boost to the garden. We make ours with plant ingredients instead of animal manure and are experimenting with a variety of concoctions! I have written about these on my latest blog so please check it out.


